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the heroes-第5节

小说: the heroes 字数: 每页4000字

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 dry…shod;  and away through the moors and fens; day and night toward the  bleak north…west; turning neither to the right hand nor the  left; till he came to the Unshapen Land; and the place which  has no name。

And seven days he walked through it; on a path which few can  tell; for those who have trodden it like least to speak of  it; and those who go there again in dreams are glad enough  when they awake; till he came to the edge of the everlasting  night; where the air was full of feathers; and the soil was  hard with ice; and there at last he found the three Gray  Sisters; by the shore of the freezing sea; nodding upon a  white log of drift…wood; beneath the cold white winter moon;  and they chaunted a low song together; 'Why the old times  were better than the new。'

There was no living thing around them; not a fly; not a moss  upon the rocks。  Neither seal nor sea…gull dare come near;  lest the ice should clutch them in its claws。  The surge  broke up in foam; but it fell again in flakes of snow; and it  frosted the hair of the three Gray Sisters; and the bones in  the ice…cliff above their heads。  They passed the eye from  one to the other; but for all that they could not see; and  they passed the tooth from one to the other; but for all that  they could not eat; and they sat in the full glare of the  moon; but they were none the warmer for her beams。  And  Perseus pitied the three Gray Sisters; but they did not pity  themselves。

So he said; 'Oh; venerable mothers; wisdom is the daughter of  old age。  You therefore should know many things。  Tell me; if  you can; the path to the Gorgon。'

Then one cried; 'Who is this who reproaches us with old age?'   And another; 'This is the voice of one of the children of  men。'

And he; 'I do not reproach; but honour your old age; and I am  one of the sons of men and of the heroes。  The rulers of  Olympus have sent me to you to ask the way to the Gorgon。'

Then one; 'There are new rulers in Olympus; and all new  things are bad。'  And another; 'We hate your rulers; and the  heroes; and all the children of men。  We are the kindred of  the Titans; and the Giants; and the Gorgons; and the ancient  monsters of the deep。'  And another; 'Who is this rash and  insolent man who pushes unbidden into our world?'  And the  first; 'There never was such a world as ours; nor will be; if  we let him see it; he will spoil it all。'

Then one cried; 'Give me the eye; that I may see him;' and  another; 'Give me the tooth; that I may bite him。'  But  Perseus; when he saw that they were foolish and proud; and  did not love the children of men; left off pitying them; and  said to himself; 'Hungry men must needs be hasty; if I stay  making many words here; I shall be starved。'  Then he stepped  close to them; and watched till they passed the eye from hand  to hand。  And as they groped about between themselves; he  held out his own hand gently; till one of them put the eye  into it; fancying that it was the hand of her sister。  Then  he sprang back; and laughed; and cried …

'Cruel and proud old women; I have your eye; and I will throw  it into the sea; unless you tell me the path to the Gorgon;  and swear to me that you tell me right。'

Then they wept; and chattered; and scolded; but in vain。   They were forced to tell the truth; though; when they told  it; Perseus could hardly make out the road。

'You must go;' they said; 'foolish boy; to the southward;  into the ugly glare of the sun; till you come to Atlas the  Giant; who holds the heaven and the earth apart。  And you  must ask his daughters; the Hesperides; who are young and  foolish like yourself。  And now give us back our eye; for we  have forgotten all the rest。'

So Perseus gave them back their eye; but instead of using it;  they nodded and fell fast asleep; and were turned into blocks  of ice; till the tide came up and washed them all away。  And  now they float up and down like icebergs for ever; weeping  whenever they meet the sunshine; and the fruitful summer and  the warm south wind; which fill young hearts with joy。

But Perseus leaped away to the southward; leaving the snow  and the ice behind:  past the isle of the Hyperboreans; and  the tin isles; and the long Iberian shore; while the sun rose  higher day by day upon a bright blue summer sea。  And the  terns and the sea…gulls swept laughing round his head; and  called to him to stop and play; and the dolphins gambolled up  as he passed; and offered to carry him on their backs。  And  all night long the sea…nymphs sang sweetly; and the Tritons  blew upon their conchs; as they played round Galataea their  queen; in her car of pearled shells。  Day by day the sun rose  higher; and leaped more swiftly into the sea at night; and  more swiftly out of the sea at dawn; while Perseus skimmed  over the billows like a sea…gull; and his feet were never  wetted; and leapt on from wave to wave; and his limbs were  never weary; till he saw far away a mighty mountain; all  rose…red in the setting sun。  Its feet were wrapped in  forests; and its head in wreaths of cloud; and Perseus knew  that it was Atlas; who holds the heavens and the earth apart。

He came to the mountain; and leapt on shore; and wandered  upward; among pleasant valleys and waterfalls; and tall trees  and strange ferns and flowers; but there was no smoke rising  from any glen; nor house; nor sign of man。

At last he heard sweet voices singing; and he guessed that he  was come to the garden of the Nymphs; the daughters of the  Evening Star。

They sang like nightingales among the thickets; and Perseus  stopped to hear their song; but the words which they spoke he  could not understand; no; nor no man after him for many a  hundred years。  So he stepped forward and saw them dancing;  hand in hand around the charmed tree; which bent under its  golden fruit; and round the tree…foot was coiled the dragon;  old Ladon the sleepless snake; who lies there for ever;  listening to the song of the maidens; blinking and watching  with dry bright eyes。

Then Perseus stopped; not because he feared the dragon; but  because he was bashful before those fair maids; but when they  saw him; they too stopped; and called to him with trembling  voices …

'Who are you?  Are you Heracles the mighty; who will come to  rob our garden; and carry off our golden fruit?'  And he  answered …

'I am not Heracles the mighty; and I want none of your golden  fruit。  Tell me; fair Nymphs; the way which leads to the  Gorgon; that I may go on my way and slay her。'

'Not yet; not yet; fair boy; come dance with us around the  tree in the garden which knows no winter; the home of the  south wind and the sun。  Come hither and play with us awhile;  we have danced alone here for a thousand years; and our  hearts are weary with longing for a playfellow。  So come;  come; come!'

'I cannot dance with you; fair maidens; for I must do the  errand of the Immortals。  So tell me the way to the Gorgon;  lest I wander and perish in the waves。'

Then they sighed and wept; and answered … 'The Gorgon! she  will freeze you into stone。'

'It is better to die like a hero than to live like an ox in a  stall。  The Immortals have lent me weapons; and they will  give me wit to use them。'

Then they sighed again and answered; 'Fair boy; if you are  bent on your own ruin; be it so。  We know not the way to the  Gorgon; but we will ask the giant Atlas; above upon the  mountain peak; the brother of our father; the silver Evening  Star。  He sits aloft and sees across the ocean; and far away  into the Unshapen Land。'

So they went up the mountain to Atlas their uncle; and  Perseus went up with them。  And they found the giant  kneeling; as he held the heavens and the earth apart。

They asked him; and he answered mildly; pointing to the sea… board with his mighty hand; 'I can see the Gorgons lying on  an island far away; but this youth can never come near them;  unless he has the hat of darkness; which whosoever wears  cannot be seen。'

Then cried Perseus; 'Where is that hat; that I may find it?'

But the giant smiled。  'No living mortal can find that hat;  for it lies in the depths of Hades; in the regions of the  dead。  But my nieces are immortal; and they shall fetch it  for you; if you will promise me one thing and keep your  faith。'

Then Perseus promised; and the giant said; 'When you come  back with the head of Medusa; you shall show me the beautiful  horror; that I may lose my feeling and my breathing; and  become a stone for ever; for it is weary labour for me to  hold the heavens and the earth apart。'

Then Perseus promised; and the eldest of the Nymphs went  down; and into a dark cavern among the cliffs; out of which  came smoke and thunder; for it was one of the mouths of Hell。

And Perseus and the Nymphs sat down seven days; and waited  trembling; till the Nymph came up again; and her face was  pale; and her eyes dazzled with the light; for she had been  long in the dreary darkness; but in her hand was the magic  hat。

Then all the Nymphs kissed Perseus; and wept over him a long  while; but he was only impatient to be gone。  And at last  they put the hat upon his head; and he vanished out of their  sight。

But Perseus went on boldly; past many an ugly 

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