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the heroes-第4节

小说: the heroes 字数: 每页4000字

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thing better brought a basket of grapes; or  of game; but Perseus brought nothing; for he had nothing to  bring; being but a poor sailor…lad。

He was ashamed; however; to go into the king's presence  without his gift; and he was too proud to ask Dictys to lend  him one。  So he stood at the door sorrowfully; watching the  rich men go in; and his face grew very red as they pointed at  him; and smiled; and whispered; 'What has that foundling to  give?'

Now this was what Polydectes wanted; and as soon as he heard  that Perseus stood without; he bade them bring him in; and  asked him scornfully before them all; 'Am I not your king;  Perseus; and have I not invited you to my feast?  Where is  your present; then?'

Perseus blushed and stammered; while all the proud men round  laughed; and some of them began jeering him openly。  'This  fellow was thrown ashore here like a piece of weed or drift… wood; and yet he is too proud to bring a gift to the king。'

'And though he does not know who his father is; he is vain  enough to let the old women call him the son of Zeus。'

And so forth; till poor Perseus grew mad with shame; and  hardly knowing what he said; cried out; … 'A present! who are  you who talk of presents?  See if I do not bring a nobler one  than all of yours together!'

So he said boasting; and yet he felt in his heart that he was  braver than all those scoffers; and more able to do some  glorious deed。

'Hear him!  Hear the boaster!  What is it to be?' cried they  all; laughing louder than ever。

Then his dream at Samos came into his mind; and he cried  aloud; 'The head of the Gorgon。'

He was half afraid after he had said the words for all  laughed louder than ever; and Polydectes loudest of all。

'You have promised to bring me the Gorgon's head?  Then never  appear again in this island without it。  Go!'

Perseus ground his teeth with rage; for he saw that he had  fallen into a trap; but his promise lay upon him; and he went  out without a word。

Down to the cliffs he went; and looked across the broad blue  sea; and he wondered if his dream were true; and prayed in  the bitterness of his soul。

'Pallas Athene; was my dream true? and shall I slay the  Gorgon?  If thou didst really show me her face; let me not  come to shame as a liar and boastful。  Rashly and angrily I  promised; but cunningly and patiently will I perform。'

But there was no answer; nor sign; neither thunder nor any  appearance; not even a cloud in the sky。

And three times Perseus called weeping; 'Rashly and angrily I  promised; but cunningly and patiently will I perform。'

Then he saw afar off above the sea a small white cloud; as  bright as silver。  And it came on; nearer and nearer; till  its brightness dazzled his eyes。

Perseus wondered at that strange cloud; for there was no  other cloud all round the sky; and he trembled as it touched  the cliff below。  And as it touched; it broke; and parted;  and within it appeared Pallas Athene; as he had seen her at  Samos in his dream; and beside her a young man more light… limbed than the stag; whose eyes were like sparks of fire。   By his side was a scimitar of diamond; all of one clear  precious stone; and on his feet were golden sandals; from the  heels of which grew living wings。

They looked upon Perseus keenly; and yet they never moved  their eyes; and they came up the cliffs towards him more  swiftly than the sea…gull; and yet they never moved their  feet; nor did the breeze stir the robes about their limbs;  only the wings of the youth's sandals quivered; like a hawk's  when he hangs above the cliff。  And Perseus fell down and  worshipped; for he knew that they were more than man。

But Athene stood before him and spoke gently; and bid him  have no fear。  Then …

'Perseus;' she said; 'he who overcomes in one trial merits  thereby a sharper trial still。  You have braved Polydectes;  and done manfully。  Dare you brave Medusa the Gorgon?'

And Perseus said; 'Try me; for since you spoke to me in Samos  a new soul has come into my breast; and I should be ashamed  not to dare anything which I can do。  Show me; then; how I  can do this!'

'Perseus;' said Athene; 'think well before you attempt; for  this deed requires a seven years' journey; in which you  cannot repent or turn back nor escape; but if your heart  fails you; you must die in the Unshapen Land; where no man  will ever find your bones。'

'Better so than live here; useless and despised;' said  Perseus。  'Tell me; then; oh tell me; fair and wise Goddess;  of your great kindness and condescension; how I can do but  this one thing; and then; if need be; die!'

Then Athene smiled and said …

'Be patient; and listen; for if you forget my words; you will  indeed die。  You must go northward to the country of the  Hyperboreans; who live beyond the pole; at the sources of the  cold north wind; till you find the three Gray Sisters; who  have but one eye and one tooth between them。  You must ask  them the way to the Nymphs; the daughters of the Evening  Star; who dance about the golden tree; in the Atlantic island  of the west。  They will tell you the way to the Gorgon; that  you may slay her; my enemy; the mother of monstrous beasts。   Once she was a maiden as beautiful as morn; till in her pride  she sinned a sin at which the sun hid his face; and from that  day her hair was turned to vipers; and her hands to eagle's  claws; and her heart was filled with shame and rage; and her  lips with bitter venom; and her eyes became so terrible that  whosoever looks on them is turned to stone; and her children  are the winged horse and the giant of the golden sword; and  her grandchildren are Echidna the witch…adder; and Geryon the  three…headed tyrant; who feeds his herds beside the herds of  hell。  So she became the sister of the Gorgons; Stheino and  Euryte the abhorred; the daughters of the Queen of the Sea。   Touch them not; for they are immortal; but bring me only  Medusa's head。'

'And I will bring it!' said Perseus; 'but how am I to escape  her eyes?  Will she not freeze me too into stone?'

'You shall take this polished shield;' said Athene; 'and when  you come near her look not at her herself; but at her image  in the brass; so you may strike her safely。  And when you  have struck off her head; wrap it; with your face turned  away; in the folds of the goat…skin on which the shield  hangs; the hide of Amaltheie; the nurse of the AEgis…holder。   So you will bring it safely back to me; and win to yourself  renown; and a place among the heroes who feast with the  Immortals upon the peak where no winds blow。'

Then Perseus said; 'I will go; though I die in going。  But  how shall I cross the seas without a ship?  And who will show  me my way?  And when I find her; how shall I slay her; if her  scales be iron and brass?'

Then the young man spoke:  'These sandals of mine will bear  you across the seas; and over hill and dale like a bird; as  they bear me all day long; for I am Hermes; the far…famed  Argus…slayer; the messenger of the Immortals who dwell on  Olympus。'

Then Perseus fell down and worshipped; while the young man  spoke again:

'The sandals themselves will guide you on the road; for they  are divine and cannot stray; and this sword itself; the  Argus…slayer; will kill her; for it is divine; and needs no  second stroke。  Arise; and gird them on; and go forth。'

So Perseus arose; and girded on the sandals and the sword。

And Athene cried; 'Now leap from the cliff and be gone。'

But Perseus lingered。

'May I not bid farewell to my mother and to Dictys?  And may  I not offer burnt…offerings to you; and to Hermes the far… famed Argus…slayer; and to Father Zeus above?'

'You shall not bid farewell to your mother; lest your heart  relent at her weeping。  I will comfort her and Dictys until  you return in peace。  Nor shall you offer burnt…offerings to  the Olympians; for your offering shall be Medusa's head。   Leap; and trust in the armour of the Immortals。'

Then Perseus looked down the cliff and shuddered; but he was  ashamed to show his dread。  Then he thought of Medusa and the  renown before him; and he leaped into the empty air。

And behold; instead of falling he floated; and stood; and ran  along the sky。  He looked back; but Athene had vanished; and  Hermes; and the sandals led him on northward ever; like a  crane who follows the spring toward the Ister fens。


SO Perseus started on his journey; going dry…shod over land  and sea; and his heart was high and joyful; for the winged  sandals bore him each day a seven days' journey。

And he went by Cythnus; and by Ceos; and the pleasant  Cyclades to Attica; and past Athens and Thebes; and the  Copaic lake; and up the vale of Cephissus; and past the peaks  of OEta and Pindus; and over the rich Thessalian plains; till  the sunny hills of Greece were behind him; and before him  were the wilds of the north。  Then he passed the Thracian  mountains; and many a barbarous tribe; Paeons and Dardans and  Triballi; till he came to the Ister stream; and the dreary  Scythian plains。  And he walked across the Ister dry…shod;  and away through the moors and fens; day and night toward the  bleak north…west; turning

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