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the heroes-第2节

小说: the heroes 字数: 每页4000字

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Now; you must not think of them in this book as learned men;  living in great cities; such as they were afterwards; when  they wrought all their beautiful works; but as country  people; living in farms and walled villages; in a simple;  hard…working way; so that the greatest kings and heroes  cooked their own meals; and thought it no shame; and made  their own ships and weapons; and fed and harnessed their own  horses; and the queens worked with their maid…servants; and  did all the business of the house; and spun; and wove; and  embroidered; and made their husbands' clothes and their own。   So that a man was honoured among them; not because he  happened to be rich; but according to his skill; and his  strength; and courage; and the number of things which he  could do。  For they were but grown…up children; though they  were right noble children too; and it was with them as it is  now at school … the strongest and cleverest boy; though he be  poor; leads all the rest。

Now; while they were young and simple they loved fairy tales;  as you do now。  All nations do so when they are young:  our  old forefathers did; and called their stories 'Sagas。'  I  will read you some of them some day … some of the Eddas; and  the Volusp? and Beowulf; and the noble old Romances。  The  old Arabs; again; had their tales; which we now call the  'Arabian Nights。'  The old Romans had theirs; and they called  them 'Fabulae;' from which our word 'fable' comes; but the  old Hellens called theirs 'Muthoi;' from which our new word  'myth' is taken。  But next to those old Romances; which were  written in the Christian middle age; there are no fairy tales  like these old Greek ones; for beauty; and wisdom; and truth;  and for making children love noble deeds; and trust in God to  help them through。

Now; why have I called this book 'The Heroes'?  Because that  was the name which the Hellens gave to men who were brave and  skilful; and dare do more than other men。  At first; I think;  that was all it meant:  but after a time it came to mean  something more; it came to mean men who helped their country;  men in those old times; when the country was half…wild; who  killed fierce beasts and evil men; and drained swamps; and  founded towns; and therefore after they were dead; were  honoured; because they had left their country better than  they found it。  And we call such a man a hero in English to  this day; and call it a 'heroic' thing to suffer pain and  grief; that we may do good to our fellow…men。  We may all do  that; my children; boys and girls alike; and we ought to do  it; for it is easier now than ever; and safer; and the path  more clear。  But you shall hear how the Hellens said their  heroes worked; three thousand years ago。  The stories are not  all true; of course; nor half of them; you are not simple  enough to fancy that; but the meaning of them is true; and  true for ever; and that is … Do right; and God will help  you。'


ADVENT; 1855。



ONCE upon a time there were two princes who were twins。   Their names were Acrisius and Proetus; and they lived in the  pleasant vale of Argos; far away in Hellas。  They had  fruitful meadows and vineyards; sheep and oxen; great herds  of horses feeding down in Lerna Fen; and all that men could  need to make them blest:  and yet they were wretched; because  they were jealous of each other。  From the moment they were  born they began to quarrel; and when they grew up each tried  to take away the other's share of the kingdom; and keep all  for himself。  So first Acrisius drove out Proetus; and he  went across the seas; and brought home a foreign princess for  his wife; and foreign warriors to help him; who were called  Cyclopes; and drove out Acrisius in his turn; and then they  fought a long while up and down the land; till the quarrel  was settled; and Acrisius took Argos and one half the land;  and Proetus took Tiryns and the other half。  And Proetus and  his Cyclopes built around Tiryns great walls of unhewn stone;  which are standing to this day。

But there came a prophet to that hard…hearted Acrisius and  prophesied against him; and said; 'Because you have risen up  against your own blood; your own blood shall rise up against  you; because you have sinned against your kindred; by your  kindred you shall be punished。  Your daughter Danae shall  bear a son; and by that son's hands you shall die。  So the  Gods have ordained; and it will surely come to pass。'

And at that Acrisius was very much afraid; but he did not  mend his ways。  He had been cruel to his own family; and;  instead of repenting and being kind to them; he went on to be  more cruel than ever:  for he shut up his fair daughter Danae  in a cavern underground; lined with brass; that no one might  come near her。  So he fancied himself more cunning than the  Gods:  but you will see presently whether he was able to  escape them。

Now it came to pass that in time Danae bore a son; so  beautiful a babe that any but King Acrisius would have had  pity on it。  But he had no pity; for he took Danae and her  babe down to the seashore; and put them into a great chest  and thrust them out to sea; for the winds and the waves to  carry them whithersoever they would。

The north…west wind blew freshly out of the blue mountains;  and down the pleasant vale of Argos; and away and out to sea。   And away and out to sea before it floated the mother and her  babe; while all who watched them wept; save that cruel  father; King Acrisius。

So they floated on and on; and the chest danced up and down  upon the billows; and the baby slept upon its mother's  breast:  but the poor mother could not sleep; but watched and  wept; and she sang to her baby as they floated; and the song  which she sang you shall learn yourselves some day。

And now they are past the last blue headland; and in the open  sea; and there is nothing round them but the waves; and the  sky; and the wind。  But the waves are gentle; and the sky is  clear; and the breeze is tender and low; for these are the  days when Halcyone and Ceyx build their nests; and no storms  ever ruffle the pleasant summer sea。

And who were Halcyone and Ceyx?  You shall hear while the  chest floats on。  Halcyone was a fairy maiden; the daughter  of the beach and of the wind。  And she loved a sailor…boy;  and married him; and none on earth were so happy as they。   But at last Ceyx was wrecked; and before he could swim to the  shore the billows swallowed him up。  And Halcyone saw him  drowning; and leapt into the sea to him; but in vain。  Then  the Immortals took pity on them both; and changed them into  two fair sea…birds; and now they build a floating nest every  year; and sail up and down happily for ever upon the pleasant  seas of Greece。

So a night passed; and a day; and a long day it was for  Danae; and another night and day beside; till Danae was faint  with hunger and weeping; and yet no land appeared。  And all  the while the babe slept quietly; and at last poor Danae  drooped her head and fell asleep likewise with her cheek  against the babe's。

After a while she was awakened suddenly; for the chest was  jarring and grinding; and the air was full of sound。  She  looked up; and over her head were mighty cliffs; all red in  the setting sun; and around her rocks and breakers; and  flying flakes of foam。  She clasped her hands together; and  shrieked aloud for help。  And when she cried; help met her:   for now there came over the rocks a tall and stately man; and  looked down wondering upon poor Danae tossing about in the  chest among the waves。

He wore a rough cloak of frieze; and on his head a broad hat  to shade his face; in his hand he carried a trident for  spearing fish; and over his shoulder was a casting…net; but  Danae could see that he was no common man by his stature; and  his walk; and his flowing golden hair and beard; and by the  two servants who came behind him; carrying baskets for his  fish。  But she had hardly time to look at him; before he had  laid aside his trident and leapt down the rocks; and thrown  his casting…net so surely over Danae and the chest; that he  drew it; and her; and the baby; safe upon a ledge of rock。

Then the fisherman took Danae by the hand; and lifted her out  of the chest; and said …

'O beautiful damsel; what strange chance has brought you to  this island in so flail a ship?  Who are you; and whence?   Surely you are some king's daughter; and this boy has  somewhat more than mortal。'

And as he spoke he pointed to the babe; for its face shone  like the morning star。

But Danae only held down her head; and sobbed out …

'Tell me to what land I have come; unhappy that I am; and  among what men I have fallen!'

And he said; 'This isle is called Seriphos; and I am a  Hellen; and dwell in it。  I am the brother of Polydectes the  king; and men call me Dictys the netter; because I catch the  fish of the shore。'

Then Danae fell down at his feet; and embraced his knees; and  cried …

'Oh; sir; have pity upon a stranger; whom a cruel doom has  driven to your land; and let me live in your house as a  servant; but treat me honourably; for I was once a king

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