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the two brothers-第63节

小说: the two brothers 字数: 每页4000字

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upon her hero。

〃After all; my child;〃 said Madame Hochon on the day of her arrival;

〃youth must have its fling。 The dissipations of a soldier under the

Empire must; of course; be greater than those of young men who are

looked after by their fathers。 Oh! if you only knew what went on here

at night under that wretched Max! Thanks to your son; Issoudun now

breathes and sleeps in peace。 Philippe has come to his senses rather

late; he told us frankly that those three months in the Luxembourg

sobered him。 Monsieur Hochon is delighted with his conduct here; every

one thinks highly of it。 If he can be kept away from the temptations

of Paris; he will end by being a comfort to you。〃

Hearing these consolatory words Agathe's eyes filled with tears。

Philippe played the saint to his mother; for he had need of her。 That

wily politician did not wish to have recourse to Cesarine unless he

continued to be an object of horror to Mademoiselle Brazier。 He saw

that Flore had been thoroughly broken to harness by Max; he knew she

was an essential part of his uncle's life; and he greatly preferred to

use her rather than send for the ballet…girl; who might take it into

her head to marry the old man。 Fouche advised Louis XVIII。 to sleep in

Napoleon's sheets instead of granting the charter; and Philippe would

have liked to remain in Gilet's sheets; but he was reluctant to risk

the good reputation he had made for himself in Berry。 To take Max's

place with the Rabouilleuse would be as odious on his part as on hers。

He could; without discredit and by the laws of nepotism; live in his

uncle's house and at his uncle's expense; but he could not have Flore

unless her character were whitewashed。 Hampered by this difficulty;

and stimulated by the hope of finally getting hold of the property;

the idea came into his head of making his uncle marry the

Rabouilleuse。 With this in view he requested his mother to go and see

the girl and treat her in a sisterly manner。

〃I must confess; my dear mother;〃 he said; in a canting tone; looking

at Monsieur and Madame Hochon who accompanied her; 〃that my uncle's

way of life is not becoming; he could; however; make Mademoiselle

Brazier respected by the community if he chose。 Wouldn't it be far

better for her to be Madame Rouget than the servant…mistress of an old

bachelor? She had better obtain a definite right to his property by a

marriage contract then threaten a whole family with disinheritance。 If

you; or Monsieur Hochon; or some good priest would speak of the matter

to both parties; you might put a stop to the scandal which offends

decent people。 Mademoiselle Brazier would be only too happy if you

were to welcome her as a sister; and I as an aunt。〃

On the morrow Agathe and Madame Hochon appeared at Flore's bedside;

and repeated to the sick girl and to Rouget; the excellent sentiments

expressed by Philippe。 Throughout Issoudun the colonel was talked of

as a man of noble character; especially because of his conduct towards

Flore。 For a month; the Rabouilleuse heard Goddet; her doctor; the

individual who has paramount influence over a sick person; the

respectable Madame Hochon; moved by religious principle; and Agathe;

so gentle and pious; all representing to her the advantages of a

marriage with Rouget。 And when; attracted by the idea of becoming

Madame Rouget; a dignified and virtuous bourgeoisie; she grew eager to

recover; so that the marriage might speedily be celebrated; it was not

difficult to make her understand that she would not be allowed to

enter the family of the Rougets if she intended to turn Philippe from

its doors。

〃Besides;〃 remarked the doctor; 〃you really owe him this good fortune。

Max would never have allowed you to marry old Rouget。 And;〃 he added

in her ear; 〃if you have children; you can revenge Max; for that will

disinherit the Bridaus。〃

Two months after the fatal duel in February; 1823; the sick woman;

urged by those about her; and implored by Rouget; consented to receive

Philippe; the sight of whose scars made her weep; but whose softened

and affectionate manner calmed her。 By Philippe's wish they were left

alone together。

〃My dear child;〃 said the soldier。 〃It is I; who; from the start; have

advised your marriage with my uncle; if you consent; it will take

place as soon as you are quite recovered。〃

〃So they tell me;〃 she replied。

〃Circumstances have compelled me to give you pain; it is natural

therefore that I should wish to do you all the good I can。 Wealth;

respect; and a family position are worth more than what you have lost。

You wouldn't have been that fellow's wife long after my uncle's death;

for I happen to know; through friends of his; that he intended to get

rid of you。 Come; my dear; let us understand each other; and live

happily。 You shall be my aunt; and nothing more than my aunt。 You will

take care that my uncle does not forget me in his will; on my side;

you shall see how well I will have you treated in the marriage

contract。 Keep calm; think it over; and we will talk of it later。 All

sensible people; indeed the whole town; urge you to put an end to your

illegal position; no one will blame you for receiving me。 It is well

understood in the world that interests go before feelings。 By the day

of your marriage you will be handsomer than ever。 The pallor of

illness has given you an air of distinction; and on my honor; if my

uncle did not love you so madly; you should be the wife of Colonel


Philippe left the room; having dropped this hint into Flore's mind to

waken a vague idea of vengeance which might please the girl; who did;

in fact; feel a sort of happiness as she saw this dreadful being at

her feet。 In this scene Philippe repeated; in miniature; that of

Richard III。 with the queen he had widowed。 The meaning of it is that

personal calculation; hidden under sentiment; has a powerful influence

on the heart; and is able to dissipate even genuine grief。 This is

how; in individual life; Nature does that which in works of genius is

thought to be consummate art: she works by self…interest;the genius

of money。

At the beginning of April; 1823; the hall of Jean…Jacques Rouget's

house was the scene of a splendid dinner; given to celebrate the

signing of the marriage contract between Mademoiselle Flore Brazier

and the old bachelor。 The guests were Monsieur Heron; the four

witnesses; Messieurs Mignonnet; Carpentier; Hochon; and Goddet; the

mayor and the curate; Agathe Bridau; Madame Hochon; and her friend

Madame Borniche; the two old ladies who laid down the law to the

society of Issoudun。 The bride was much impressed by this concession;

obtained by Philippe; and intended by the two ladies as a mark of

protection to a repentant woman。 Flore was in dazzling beauty。 The

curate; who for the last fortnight had been instructing the ignorant

crab…girl; was to allow her; on the following day; to make her first

communion。 The marriage was the text of the following pious article in

the 〃Journal du Cher;〃 published at Bourges; and in the 〃Journal de

l'Indre;〃 published at Chateauroux:

  Issoudun。The revival of religion is progressing in Berry。

  Friends of the Church and all respectable persons in this town

  were yesterday witnesses of a marriage ceremony by which a leading

  man of property put an end to a scandalous connection; which began

  at the time when the authority of religion was overthrown in this

  region。 This event; due to the enlightened zeal of the clergy of

  Issoudun will; we trust; have imitators; and put a stop to

  marriages; so…called; which have never been solemnized; and were

  only contracted during the disastrous epoch of revolutionary rule。

  One remarkable feature of the event to which we allude; is the

  fact that it was brought about at the entreaty of a colonel

  belonging to the old army; sent to our town by a sentence of the

  Court of Peers; who may; in consequence; lose the inheritance of

  his uncle's property。 Such disinterestedness is so rare in these

  days that it deserves public mention。

By the marriage contract Rouget secured to Flore a dower of one

hundred thousand francs; and a life annuity of thirty thousand more。

After the wedding; which was sumptuous; Agathe returned to Paris the

happiest of mothers; and told Joseph and Desroches what she called the

good news。

〃Your son Philippe is too wily a man not to keep his paw on that

inheritance;〃 said the lawyer; when he had heard Madame Bridau to the

end。 〃You and your poor Joseph will never get one penny of your

brother's property。〃

〃You; and Joseph too; will always be unjust to that poor boy;〃 said

the mother。 〃His conduct before the Court of Peers was worthy of a

statesman; he succeeded in saving many heads。 Philippe's errors came

from his great faculties being unemployed。 He now sees how faults of

conduct injure the prospects of a man who ha

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