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the two brothers-第3节

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marriage; represented her share of the property of her father and


Bridau idolized the Emperor; and served him with the devotion of a

Mohammedan for his prophet; striving to carry out the vast conceptions

of the modern demi…god; who; finding the whole fabric of France

destroyed; went to work to reconstruct everything。 The new official

never showed fatigue; never cried 〃Enough。〃 Projects; reports; notes;

studies; he accepted all; even the hardest labors; happy in the

consciousness of aiding his Emperor。 He loved him as a man; he adored

him as a sovereign; and he would never allow the least criticism of

his acts or his purposes。

From 1804 to 1808; the Bridaus lived in a handsome suite of rooms on

the Quai Voltaire; a few steps from the ministry of the interior and

close to the Tuileries。 A cook and footman were the only servants of

the household during this period of Madame Bridau's grandeur。 Agathe;

early afoot; went to market with her cook。 While the latter did the

rooms; she prepared the breakfast。 Bridau never went to the ministry

before eleven o'clock。 As long as their union lasted; his wife took

the same unwearying pleasure in preparing for him an exquisite

breakfast; the only meal he really enjoyed。 At all seasons and in all

weathers; Agathe watched her husband from the window as he walked

toward his office; and never drew in her head until she had seen him

turn the corner of the rue du Bac。 Then she cleared the breakfast…

table herself; gave an eye to the arrangement of the rooms; dressed

for the day; played with her children and took them to walk; or

received the visits of friends; all the while waiting in spirit for

Bridau's return。 If her husband brought him important business that

had to be attended to; she would station herself close to the writing…

table in his study; silent as a statue; knitting while he wrote;

sitting up as late as he did; and going to bed only a few moments

before him。 Occasionally; the pair went to some theatre; occupying one

of the ministerial boxes。 On those days; they dined at a restaurant;

and the gay scenes of that establishment never ceased to give Madame

Bridau the same lively pleasure they afford to provincials who are new

to Paris。 Agathe; who was obliged to accept the formal dinners

sometimes given to the head of a department in a ministry; paid due

attention to the luxurious requirements of the then mode of dress; but

she took off the rich apparel with delight when she returned home; and

resumed the simple garb of a provincial。 One day in the week;

Thursday; Bridau received his friends; and he also gave a grand ball;

annually; on Shrove Tuesday。

These few words contain the whole history of their conjugal life;

which had but three events; the births of two children; born three

years apart; and the death of Bridau; who died in 1808; killed by

overwork at the very moment when the Emperor was about to appoint him

director…general; count; and councillor of state。 At this period of

his reign; Napoleon was particularly absorbed in the affairs of the

interior; he overwhelmed Bridau with work; and finally wrecked the

health of that dauntless bureaucrat。 The Emperor; of whom Bridau had

never asked a favor; made inquiries into his habits and fortune。

Finding that this devoted servant literally had nothing but his

situation; Napoleon recognized him as one of the incorruptible natures

which raised the character of his government and gave moral weight to

it; and he wished to surprise him by the gift of some distinguished

reward。 But the effort to complete a certain work; involving immense

labor; before the departure of the Emperor for Spain caused the death

of the devoted servant; who was seized with an inflammatory fever。

When the Emperor; who remained in Paris for a few days after his

return to prepare for the campaign of 1809; was told of Bridau's

death he said: 〃There are men who can never be replaced。〃 Struck by

the spectacle of a devotion which could receive none of the brilliant

recognitions that reward a soldier; the Emperor resolved to create an

order to requite civil services; just as he had already created the

Legion of honor to reward the military。 The impression he received

from the death of Bridau led him to plan the order of the Reunion。 He

had not time; however; to mature this aristocratic scheme; the

recollection of which is now so completely effaced that many of my

readers may ask what were its insignia: the order was worn with a blue

ribbon。 The Emperor called it the Reunion; under the idea of uniting

the order of the Golden Fleece of Spain with the order of the Golden

Fleece of Austria。 〃Providence;〃 said a Prussian diplomatist; 〃took

care to frustrate the profanation。〃

After Bridau's death the Emperor inquired into the circumstances of

his widow。 Her two sons each received a scholarship in the Imperial

Lyceum; and the Emperor paid the whole costs of their education from

his privy purse。 He gave Madame Bridau a pension of four thousand

francs; intending; no doubt; to advance the fortune of her sons in

future years。

From the time of her marriage to the death of her husband; Agathe had

held no communication with Issoudun。 She lost her mother just as she

was on the point of giving birth to her youngest son; and when her

father; who; as she well knew; loved her little; died; the coronation

of the Emperor was at hand; and that event gave Bridau so much

additional work that she was unwilling to leave him。 Her brother;

Jean…Jacques Rouget; had not written to her since she left Issoudun。

Though grieved by the tacit repudiation of her family; Agathe had come

to think seldom of those who never thought of her。 Once a year she

received a letter from her godmother; Madame Hochon; to whom she

replied with commonplaces; paying no heed to the advice which that

pious and excellent woman gave to her; disguised in cautious words。

Some time before the death of Doctor Rouget; Madame Hochon had written

to her goddaughter warning her that she would get nothing from her

father's estate unless she gave a power of attorney to Monsieur

Hochon。 Agathe was very reluctant to harass her brother。 Whether it

were that Bridau thought the spoliation of his wife in accordance with

the laws and customs of Berry; or that; high…minded as he was; he

shared the magnanimity of his wife; certain it is that he would not

listen to Roguin; his notary; who advised him to take advantage of his

ministerial position to contest the deeds by which the father had

deprived the daughter of her legitimate inheritance。 Husband and wife

thus tacitly sanctioned what was done at Issoudun。 Nevertheless;

Roguin had forced Bridau to reflect upon the future interests of his

wife which were thus compromised。 He saw that if he died before her;

Agathe would be left without property; and this led him to look into

his own affairs。 He found that between 1793 and 1805 his wife and he

had been obliged to use nearly thirty thousand of the fifty thousand

francs in cash which old Rouget had given to his daughter at the time

of her marriage。 He at once invested the remaining twenty thousand in

the public funds; then quoted at forty; and from this source Agathe

received about two thousand francs a year。 As a widow; Madame Bridau

could live suitably on an income of six thousand francs。 With

provincial good sense; she thought of changing her residence;

dismissing the footman; and keeping no servant except a cook; but her

intimate friend; Madame Descoings; who insisted on being considered

her aunt; sold her own establishment and came to live with Agathe;

turning the study of the late Bridau into her bedroom。

The two widows clubbed their revenues; and so were in possession of a

joint income of twelve thousand francs a year。 This seems a very

simple and natural proceeding。 But nothing in life is more deserving

of attention than the things that are called natural; we are on our

guard against the unnatural and extraordinary。 For this reason; you

will find men of experiencelawyers; judges; doctors; and priests

attaching immense importance to simple matters; and they are often

thought over…scrupulous。 But the serpent amid flowers is one of the

finest myths that antiquity has bequeathed for the guidance of our

lives。 How often we hear fools; trying to excuse themselves in their

own eyes or in the eyes of others; exclaiming; 〃It was all so natural

that any one would have been taken in。〃

In 1809; Madame Descoings; who never told her age; was sixty…five。 In

her heyday she had been popularly called a beauty; and was now one of

those rare women whom time respects。 She owed to her excellent

constitution the privilege of preserving her good looks; which;

however; would not bear close examination。 She was of medium height;

plump; and fresh; with fine shoulders and a rather rosy complexion。

Her blond hair; bordering on chestnut; showed; in spite of 

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