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小说: 景德镇陶瓷文化二 字数: 每页4000字

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      景德镇人杰地灵,从秦汉以来先后出现了“长沙王”吴芮、 南宋忠臣洪皓、南宋赋税改革者李椿年、南宋著名高僧佛印、明朝“黔宁王”沐英、明朝薄胎高手吴十九、清朝武状元汪道诚、革命志士余金德等一大批古今名人。唐朝文豪白居易、唐代著名书法家颜真卿、南宋名将岳飞、品茶高手陆羽、清朝督陶官唐英等大批古今名人、文人墨客纷纷踏至而来,在这个城市留下了足迹。


 Wele to the Capital of Porcelain

      Jingdezhen ; the capital of porcelain ; situated in the northeast part of Jiangxi Province ; has been world famous for its porcelain making 。
      Jingdezhen has a population of 1。40 million with an area of 5;248 square kilometers 。 It is a municipality under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province ; including Leping City ; Fuliang County ; Zhushan District and Changjiang District 。 The clear distinction of subtropical monsoon climate among four seasons and the green hills around provides the famous historical city with a wonderful ; mysterious sight 。
      Early in the Warring States Period ; porcelain – making was started in Jingdezhen 。 To the Tang Dynasty ; the trade was quite prosperous 。 By the Song Dynasty ; Jingdezhen had gathered the highlights of craftsmanship from almost all the famous kilns in China 。 In the first year of the reign of Jingde ; Emperor Zhenzong issued to rename the city as “Jingdezhen” ; because he appreciated the loyal porcelain made in the town 。 From then on ; emperors of nearly every dynasty set up a “Loyal Kiln” to produce special porcelain for loyal and diplomatic use 。 Therefore Jingdezhen because one of the four famous towns in China’s ancient times 。 Only because of this has Jingdezhen bee the birthplace of human porcelain and a kingdom of ceramic art of great achievements 。
       Jingdezhen enjoys a high reputation as the capital of porcelain ; first because porcelain wares made here have such special characteristics as “as white as jade ; as bright as mirror ; as thin as paper ; and as resonant as a chime stone 。” Other typical traditional kinds of porcelain ; such as blue and white ; blue and white with rice pattern ; soft…color ; color glazes and sculpture and so on are elegant in moulding and gorgeous in decoration ; which fully express the cultural connotation of the Chinese nation 。 The ceramic art is one of the Dazzling pearls in the palace of arts of the mankind 。 
        Jingdezhen has a plete system of ceramic industry 。 In the recent years ; auto ; refrigeration and food industry have risen abruptly 。 Changhe mini…buses and Huayi none…freon refrigeration pressors are the focus of the world attention 。 Jingde Preserved Chicken is popular with customers for its typical flavor 。 Other industries such as electronics ; aeronautics ; machinery ; chemical industry ; building materials and medicine have been set up one after another 。 Jingdezhen has developed into a new prehensive industrial city 。
        Jingdezhen is a charming place where outstanding personalities are expected to be born 。 A large number of notable have turned up ever since the Qin and Han Dynasties 。 Wu Rui ; “king of Changsha” ; Hong Hao ; a loyalist of the South Song Dynasty ; Li Chunnian ; the tax reformer of the South Song Dynasty ; Foyin ; a noted eminent monk ; Mu Ying ; “king of Qianning” of the Ming Dynasty ; Wu Shijiu ; an egg…shell master…hand of the Ming Dynasty ; Wan Daochen ; the top warrior of the Qing Dynasty and Yu Jinde ; a revolutionary with loft ideals 。 A large group of men of letters had kept pouring in the city and let their footmarks ; e。g。 Bai Juyi ; the famous literary giant of the Tang Dynasty ; Yan Zhenqin ; the well…known calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty ; Yue Fei ; a famous general of the South Song Dynasty ; Lu Yu ;“God of Tea” of the South Song Dynasty Tang Ying ; a senior official of porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 。
        One thousand years of kiln fires have made it possible for Jingdezhen to have accumulated thick ceramic culture 。 That is why Jingdezhen became one of China’s twenty…four famous historical and cultural cities among the first group 。 Besides ; it has bee one of China’s thirty…five elite tour scenic spots for lots of ancient ceramic sites ; exquisite ceramic workmanship ; splendid ceramic works ; a large circle of ceramic artists ; typical ceramic customs ; beautiful natural sights ; clean streams and unique charm 。 It has bee a new focus for travelers both at home and abroad 。
       Traffic is quite convenient to Jingdezhen 。 Wan…Gan Railway goes across 。 206 State Highway passes down through the city 。 Grade 4C Luojia Airport has started its flight service to Beijing ; Shanghai and Guangzhou 。 Passenger and goods ships can directly reach the Yangtze River along the Changjiang River 。 A new post and telemunications building has been built up with full prehensive functions ; which is the tallest by far among the trade in the province 。 Thus it makes post and telemunications possible radiate in all directions 。 Social surroundings are stable and plete sets of tourist facilities are available 。
        Since the reforming and opening to the outside world ; a series of favorable policies have been passed by the municipal Party mittee and the city government in order to provide domestic and overseas friends with better conditions either for investment ;tour ; mercial trade ; or for sight… seeing 。
        We hospitable people of the city with full zeal are looking forward to your presence 。

陶 瓷 圣 火——太 平 窑         


陶 瓷 之 路




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