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小说: michael+kramber:给年轻摄影师的忠告 字数: 每页4000字

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p ping through a portfolio I had spent months creating; then dismissed me with a flip of his hand。It took me a long time to get my courage up again; but I eventually did “break in” to The Village Voice; then a major photo publication。
你也要学会“推销”自己和自己的作品。如果你恐惧被拒绝,那么就不要干这一行了。你需要带着你的作品到不同的地方,见不同的人,并坚持发送给媒体的编辑们。大多数情况下,你可能会被拒绝。这没什么,这是这个行业的正常情况。学会习惯,不要总在心里认为这是针对你个人的。在1985年,我花了几个月拍摄了一个故事,当时The Village Voice的编辑就花了30秒的时间看了一下,然后就轻易地把我拒绝了。当时对我的打击也很大,我花了很长时间才再次有勇气继续。我在这里说这个事情,并不是说为了指责这个杂志。我只是想说,在最开始的时候,被拒绝不是什么大不了的事情。

Soyou must be persistent。And remember that editors are extremely busy。 Expect them to take a few minutes to see your work; not more。They don’t need to see hundreds of photos on many subjects。 Show them 20 or 25 photos they will remember and you’ll be much better off。

Notes on equipment:

There is no magic camera that will make you take great pictures。Use what works for you。Develop a system that is reliable and that you are fortable with。 Never; under any circumstances; go on a major assignment with brand new equipment that you have not used。I don’t care if it is the latest and greatest。 Often there will be glitches and growing pains; you don’t want these when you’re under the gun。

For two decades I used primarily Leica rangefinders。 I’m now doing a lot of work with Canon digital EOS models; mostly a 5D and a 24…70 zoom lens。 InAfrica; where I’m based; I always have a Hasselblad for portraits and usually a Leica as well。 I still believe in film but have to acknowledge that for a newspaper photographer; it is impractical at best。
在过去的20年里,我主要使用莱卡相机。最近几年,我也开始使用佳能数码EOS系列拍摄很多作品,我主要使用佳能5D和一支 24…70MM的镜头。在非洲,我拍摄肖像的时候,我通常使用哈苏或者是莱卡。我个人来说,是胶片的簇拥。但是,我必须承认,如果是为报纸工作的摄影师,数码相机还是最实用的。

I’m a bit of a “techie;” I carry a lot of gear when doing long assignments and am always experimenting with some new piece that will give me an edge。 I know photographers far better than me that walk around with one battered body and a single lens and do great work。 I hate flash and avoid it at all cost。 Other photographers who I admire shoot with flash all the time。 There is no right way to do it。 I would say that a low light lens; preferably a wide…angle f1。4; or at least an f2; is a good investment。 I shoot at night frequently; and here inBaghdadI am out with soldiers on night raids inside homes—flash are out of the question。

There are exceptions to what I wrote above: in a bat situation; I do not carry a lot of gear。 Usually one camera and one lens。Under fire is not a time to be fumbling with gear。 Shoot what you can with what you have。

Some of my remended materials:

Photo books:
Eugene Richards; Cocaine True;
Luc Delahaye; WinterRiesse
Robert Frank; The Americans
Gilles Peress; Telex Iran
Mary Ellen Mark; anything by her。
William Klein; anything you can find。
HarlanCounty;USA; a documentary movie by Barbara Koppel
My American Girls; a documentary video about a Dominican family
Anything by the Maysle brothers。
Anything by D。A。 Pennebaker。
Joseph Mitchell; Up in the Old Hotel;
Joan Didion; anything she’s ever done。
Michael Herr; Dispatches;
Guy Trebay; In The Place to Be;
William Finnegan; Cold New World;
Anything by Charlie Leduff or Barry Bearak in the New York Times。
George Orwell; anything he’s ever written; Down and Out inParisandLondon; and Homage toCatalonia; are particularly good。

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