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小说: michael+kramber:给年轻摄影师的忠告 字数: 每页4000字

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Michael Kramber结合了自己过去20年的从业经验,从如何选择摄影器材,如何找到特约拍摄的机会和如何推销自己和自己的作品这几方面给了年轻摄影师很多忠肯的建议,我读完后受益非浅,所以决定翻译完推荐给大家,(特别感谢Tina的帮助)。


10 June; 07

I am writing this from theBaghdadbureau of The New York Times where I am on assignment。

I have received dozens of queries from photojournalists starting out in the business。 I am writing this in response; partly so I can refer others to it in the future and not spend time on lengthy replies。

Some beginners ask for advice on gear; others on how to get started finding assignments and selling their work。 I will describe my own path into photojournalism here and give some general advice that may be useful。

This is not definitive in any way。 It is simply my experience and opinion formulated from twenty years experience as a photojournalist。 No doubt others can weigh in and improve this with their ments and ideas。

I started as a photojournalist by going to art school。 I thought I would be a fine art or landscape photographer; but I took a photojournalism course and was quickly hooked。 When my money ran out after a year; I dropped out of school; but continued to work as a teaching assistant for photojournalism classes。 I may have learned more in this way than I did as a student。 I received no credit; but photography is a meritocracy。 In over 20 years; I have never been asked for my degree; in the world of photojournalism;your portfolio is your degree。

I also learned a great deal from spending days in the library; reading about photojournalism and looking up; and discovering; each new name that I chanced upon。 In this way I found Robert Capa; Robert Frank; Larry Clark; Alex Webb and dozens of others。

If you are going to be a photojournalist;you should have a good working knowledge of the history of photojournalism;and of the medium’s iconic images。 You can show me nearly any often published photograph from the 20th century and I can tell you who took it and where。I’ve studied the pictures carefully and memorized details about them。This is extremely useful and will help you later as you shoot。

As you study images; you should think about where the photographer is in relation to the subjects; study how he or she has managed the light and the angle of the camera。 Is the photo effective because it is pressed with a telephoto; or opened up with a wide…angle lens? And how did they get access; how will you gain access to a similar situation?

I believe that the written word; still photos and film are connected。Artists in the above disciplines are telling stories; whatever the medium。 It is important for those in one area to study the work of documentaries and artists in the others。 At the bottom of this page is a list of remended writers; photographers and filmmakers—all personal favorites。

To be a photojournalist;you should be informed。I’m was appalled at a group of photographers who showed up in Haiti a few years ago; but did not know who the Duvalier’s were; or know even the most rudimentary history of the country。 These countries are not there for you to practice photo…tourism and have an extended holiday。 These are people’s lives you are documenting。Be knowledgeable and show respect。

At the very least;you should read the front page or lead web stories each dayfrom either the Washington Post;LA Timesor NY Times。 The New Yorker has the best long…form。 journalism in the English language。 I read it every week。

A second language is probably the most important skill you can acquire—far more important that the latest camera gear or a diploma from a photo school。It takes time; but you should speak at least basic French or Spanish in addition to English。 Arabic; or a language spoken inChina; would be an excellent choice also; especially as I write this in 2007。

I began my “career” by photographing street demonstrations inNew Yorkand taking the pictures around to newspapers and wire services。There was easy access to what was happening; which is important when you’re starting out。 And even the pictures I was not able to sell helped me to build a portfolio。 I also began; almost immediately; to work on long…term projects。

I cannot overstate the importance of long…term projects。Rather than run around taking hundreds of pictures of dozens of subjects; it is much better to spend a few weeks or a month with a family; or a group of people and get to know them。Your pictures will reveal your mitment as subjects bee fortable with you。 Choose your projects carefully。 There are hundreds of important projects out there waiting to be discovered and photographed。 Photo editors know the mitment behind this kind of in…depth work; and they respect it。A good photo…essay on one project will be remembered and will help to get you assignments。

You are going to have to promote yourself and your work。 If you’re afraid of rejection; find another line of work。You have to take your work around; or send it out to editors constantly。Most will turn you away。 That’s the nature of the business。 Get used to it and don’t take it personally。 I was crushed in 1985 when Fred McDarrah; an editor at The Village Voice; spent 30 seconds flip ping through a portfolio I had spent months 

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