personal memoirs-2-及56准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
rest of De Failly's beyond Beaumont。 The same afternoon there were
several other severe combats along the Meuse察but I had no chance of
witnessing any of them察and just before night´fall I started back to
Buzancy察to which place the King's headquarters had been brought
during the day。
The morning of the 31st the King moved to Vendresse。 First sending
our carriage back to Grand Pre' for our trunks察Forsyth and I mounted
our horses and rode to the battle´field accompanied by an English
nobleman察the Duke of Manchester。 The part of the field we traversed
was still thickly strewn with the dead of both armies察though all the
wounded had been collected in the hospitals。 In the village of
Beaumont察we stopped to take a look at several thousand French
prisoners察whose worn clothing and evident dejection told that they
had been doing a deal of severe marching under great discouragements。
The King reached the village shortly after察and we all continued on
to Chemery察just beyond where his Majesty alighted from his carriage
to observe his son's troops file past as they came in from the
direction of Stonne。 This delay caused us to be as late as 9 o'clock
before we got shelter that night察but as it afforded me the best
opportunity I had yet had for seeing the German soldiers on the
march察I did not begrudge the time。 They moved in a somewhat open
and irregular column of fours察the intervals between files being
especially intended to give room for a peculiar swinging gait察with
which the men seemed to urge themselves over the ground with ease and
rapidity。 There was little or no straggling察and being strong察lusty
young fellows察and lightly equippedthey carried only needle´guns
ammunition察a very small knapsack察a water´bottle察and a haversack´
they strode by with an elastic step察covering at least three miles an
It having been definitely ascertained that the demoralized French
were retiring to Sedan察on the evening of August 31 the German army
began the work of hemming them in there察so disposing the different
corps as to cover the ground from Donchery around by Raucourt to
Carignan。 The next morning this line was to be drawn in closer on
Sedan察and the Crown Prince of Saxony was therefore ordered to take
up a position to the north of Bazeilles察beyond the right bank of the
Meuse察while the Crown Prince of Prussia was to cross his right wing
over the Meuse at Remilly察to move on Bazeilles察his centre meantime
marching against a number of little hamlets still held by the French
between there and Donchery。 At this last´mentioned place strong
reserves were to be held察and from it the Eleventh Corps察followed by
the Fifth and a division of cavalry察was to march on St。 Menges。
Forsyth and I started early next morning察September 1察and in a thick
fog´which察however察subsequently gave place to bright sunshinewe
drove to the village of Chevenges察where察mounting our horses察we
rode in a northeasterly direction to the heights of Frenois and
Wadelincourt察bordering the river Meuse on the left bank察where from
the crest we had a good view of the town of Sedan with its circling
fortifications察which察though extensive察were not so formidable as
those around Metz。 The King and his staff were already established
on these heights察and at a point so well chosen that his Majesty
could observe the movements of both armies immediately east and south
of Sedan察and also to the northwest toward Floing and the Belgian
The battle was begun to the east and northeast of Sedan as early as
half´past 4 o'clock by the German right wingthe fighting being
desultoryand near the same hour the Bavarians attacked Bazeilles。
This village察some two miles southeast of Sedan察being of importance
was defended with great obstinacy察the French contesting from street
to street and house to house the attack of the Bavarians till near
10 o'clock察when察almost every building being knocked to pieces察they
were compelled to relinquish the place。 The possession of this
village gave the Germans to the east of Sedan a continuous line
extending from the Meuse northward through La Moncelle and Daigny to
Givonne察and almost to the Belgian frontier。
While the German centre and right were thus engaged察the left had
moved in accordance with the prescribed plan。 Indeed察some of these
troops had crossed the Meuse the night before察and now察at a little
after 6 o'clock察their advance could be seen just north of the
village of Floing。 Thus far these columns察under the immediate eye
of the Crown Prince of Prussia察had met with no opposition to their
march察and as soon as they got to the high ground above the village
they began extending to the east察to connect with the Army of the
Meuse。 This juncture was effected at Illy without difficulty察and
the French army was now completely encompassed。
After a severe fight察the Crown Prince drove the French through
Floing察and as the ground between this village and Sedan is an
undulating open plain察everywhere visible察there was then offered a
rare opportunity for seeing the final conflict preceding the
surrender。 Presently up out of the little valley where Floing is
located came the Germans察deploying just on the rim of the plateau a
very heavy skirmish´line察supported by a line of battle at close
distance。 When these skirmishers appeared察the French infantry had
withdrawn within its intrenched lines察but a strong body of their
cavalry察already formed in a depression to the right of the Floing
road察now rode at the Germans in gallant style察going clear through
the dispersed skirmishers to the main line of battle。 Here the
slaughter of the French was awful察for in addition to the deadly
volleys from the solid battalions of their enemies察the skirmishers
who had rallied in knots at advantageous places察were now delivering
a severe and effective fire。 The gallant horsemen察therefore察had to
retire precipitately察but re´forming in the depression察they again
undertook the hopeless task of breaking the German infantry察making
in all four successive charges。 Their ardor and pluck were of no
avail察however察for the Germans察growing stronger every minute by the
accession of troops from Floing察met the fourth attack in such large
force that察even before coming in contact with their adversaries察the
French broke and retreated to the protection of the intrenchments
where察from the beginning of the combat察had been lying plenty of
idle infantry察some of which at least察it seemed plain to me察ought
to have been thrown into the fight。 This action was the last one of
consequence around Sedan察for察though with the contraction of the
German lines their batteries kept cannonading more or less察and the
rattle of musketry continued to be heard here and there察yet the hard
fighting of the day practically ended on the plateau of Floing。
By 3 o'clock察the French being in a desperate and hopeless situation
the King ordered the firing to be stopped察and at once despatched one
of his staffColonel von Bronsartwith a demand for a surrender。
Just as this officer was starting off察I remarked to Bismarck that
Napoleon himself would likely be one of the prizes察but the Count
incredulous察replied察 Oh no察the old fox is too cunning to be caught
in such a trap察he has doubtless slipped off to Paris;a belief
which I found to prevail pretty generally about headquarters。
In the lull that succeeded察the King invited many of those about him
to luncheon察a caterer having provided from some source or other a
substantial meal of good bread察chops and peas察with a bountiful
supply of red and sherry wines。 Among those present were Prince
Carl察Bismarck察Von Moltke察Von Roon察the Duke of Weimar察the Duke of
Coburg察the Grand´Duke of Mecklenburg察Count Hatzfeldt察Colonel
Walker察of the English army察General Forsyth察and I。 The King was
agreeable and gracious at all times察but on this occasion he was
particularly so察being naturally in a happy frame of mind because
this day the war had reached a crisis which presaged for the near
future the complete vanquishment of the French。
Between 4 and 5 o'clock Colonel von Bronsart returned from his
mission to Sedan察bringing word to the King that the commanding
officer there General Wimpffen察wished to know察in order that the
further effusion of blood might be spared察upon what terms he might
surrender。 The Colonel brought the intelligence also that the French
Emperor was in the town。 Soon after Von Bronsart's arrival a French
officer approached from Sedan察preceded by a white flag and two
German officers。 Coming up the road till within a few hundred yards
of us察they halted察then one of the Germans rode forward to say that
the French officer was Napoleon's adjutant察bearing an autograph
letter from the Emperor to the King of Prussia。 At this the King
followed by Bismarck察Von Moltke察and Von