personal memoirs-2-及53准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
stricken察they broke and fled察infantry察cavalry察and artillery
coming down the slope without any pretence of formation察the French
hotly following and pouring in a heavy and constant fire as the
fugitives fled back across the ravine toward Gravelotte。 With this
the battle on the right had now assumed a most serious aspect察and
the indications were that the French would attack the heights of
Gravelotte察but the Pomeranian corps coming on the field at this
crisis察was led into action by Von Moltke察himself察and shortly after
the day was decided in favor of the Germans。
When the French guns opened fire察it was discovered that the King's
position was within easy range察many of the shells falling near
enough to make the place extremely uncomfortable察so it was suggested
that he go to a less exposed point。 At first he refused to listen to
this wise counsel察but yielded finallyleaving the ground with
reluctance察howeverand went back toward Rezonville。 I waited for
Count Bismarck察who did not go immediately with the King察but
remained at Gravelotte察looking after some of the escort who had been
wounded。 When he had arranged for their care察we set out to rejoin
the King察and before going far察overtook his Majesty察who had stopped
on the Chalons road察and was surrounded by a throng of fugitives
whom he was berating in German so energetic as to remind me forcibly
of the ;Dutch; swearing that I used to hear in my boyhood in Ohio。
The dressing down finished to his satisfaction察the King resumed his
course toward Re'zonville察halting察however察to rebuke in the same
emphatic style every group of runaways he overtook。
Passing through Rezonville察we halted just beyond the village察there
a fire was built察and the King察his brother察Prince Frederick
Charles察and Von Roon were provided with rather uncomfortable seats
about it察made by resting the ends of a short ladder on a couple of
boxes。 With much anxiety and not a little depression of spirits news
from the battle´field was now awaited察but the suspense did not last
long察for presently came the cheering intelligence that the French
were retiring察being forced back by the Pomeranian corps察and some of
the lately broken right wing organizations察that had been rallied on
the heights of Gravelotte。 The lost ground being thus regained察and
the French having been beaten on their right察it was not long before
word came that Bazaine's army was falling back to Metz察leaving the
entire battle´field in possession of the Germans。
During the excitement of the day I had not much felt the want of
either food or water察but now that all was over I was nearly
exhausted察having had neither since early morning。 Indeed察all of
the party were in like straits察the immense armies had not only eaten
up nearly everything in the country察but had drunk all the wells dry
too察and there seemed no relief for us till察luckily察a squad of
soldiers came along the road with a small cask of wine in a cart。
One of the staff´officers instantly appropriated the keg察and
proceeded to share his prize most generously。 Never had I tasted
anything so refreshing and delicious察but as the wine was the
ordinary sour stuff drunk by the peasantry of northern France察my
appreciation must be ascribed to my famished condition rather than to
any virtues of the beverage itself。
After I had thus quenched my thirst the King's察brother called me
aside察and drawing from his coat´tail pocket a piece of stale black
bread察divided it with me察and while munching on this the Prince
began talking of his sonGeneral Prince Frederick Charles察popularly
called the Red Princewho was in command of the Second Army in this
battlethe German left wing。 In recounting his son's professional
career the old man's face was aglow with enthusiasm察and not without
good cause察for in the war between Prussia and Austria in 1866察as
well as in the present campaign察the Red Prince had displayed the
highest order of military genius。
The headquarters now became the scene of much bustle察despatches
announcing the victory being sent in all directions。 The first one
transmitted was to the Queen察the King directing Count Bismarck to
prepare it for his signature察then followed others of a more official
character察and while these matters were being attended to I thought I
would ride into the village to find察if possible察some water for my
horse。 Just as I entered the chief street察however察I was suddenly
halted by a squad of soldiers察who察taking me for a French officer
my coat and forage cap resembling those of the French察leveled
their pieces at me。 They were greatly excited察so much so察indeed
that I thought my hour had come察for they could not understand
English察and I could not speak German察and dare not utter
explanations in French。 Fortunately a few disconnected German words
came to me in the emergency。 With these I managed to delay my
execution察and one of the party ventured to come up to examine the
;suspect; more closely。 The first thing he did was to take off my
cap察and looking it over carefully察his eyes rested on the three
stars above the visor察and察pointing to them察he emphatically
pronounced me French。 Then of course they all became excited again
more so than before察even察for they thought I was trying to practice
a ruse察and I question whether I should have lived to recount the
adventure had not an officer belonging to the King's headquarters
been passing by just then察when察hearing the threatenings and
imprecations察he rode up to learn the cause of the hubbub察and
immediately recognized and released me。 When he told my wrathy
captors who I was察they were much mortified of course察and made the
most profuse apologies察promising that no such mistake should occur
again察and so on察but not feeling wholly reassured察for my uniform
was still liable to mislead察I was careful to return to headquarters
in company with my deliverer。 There I related what had occurred察and
after a good laugh all round察the King provided me with a pass which
he said would preclude any such mishap in the future察and would also
permit me to go wherever I pleaseda favor rarely bestowed。
While I was absent察as related in the preceding chapter察it had been
decided that the King's quarters should be established for the night
in the village of Rezonville察and as it would be very difficult察at
such a late hour察to billet the whole party regularly察Count Bismarck
and I went off to look for shelter for ourselves。 Remembering that I
had seen察when seeking to water my horse察a partly burned barn with
some fresh´looking hay in it察I suggested that we lodge there。 He
too thought it would answer our purpose察but on reaching it we found
the unburned part of the barn filled with wounded察and this
necessitating a further search we continued on through the village in
quest of some house not yet converted into a hospital。 Such
however察seemed impossible to come upon察so at last the Count fixed
on one whose upper floor察we learned察was unoccupied察though the
lower one was covered with wounded。
Mounting a creaky ladderthere was no stairwayto the upper story
we found a good´sized room with three large beds察one of which the
Chancellor assigned to the Duke of Mecklenburg and aide察and another
to Count Bismarck´Bohlen and me察reserving the remaining one for
himself。 Each bed察as is common in Germany and northern France察was
provided with a feather tick察but the night being warm察these spreads
were thrown off察and discovering that they would make a comfortable
shakedown on the floor察I slept there leaving Bismarck´Bohlen
unembarrassed by companionshipat least of a human kind。
At daylight I awoke察and seeing that Count Bismarck was already
dressed and about to go down the ladder察I felt obliged to follow his
example察so I too turned out察and shortly descended to the ground
floor察the only delays of the toilet being those incident to
dressing察for there were no conveniences for morning ablutions。 Just
outside the door I met the Count察who察proudly exhibiting a couple of
eggs he had bought from the woman of the house察invited me to
breakfast with him察provided we could beg some coffee from the king's
escort。 Putting the eggs under my charge察with many injunctions as
to their safe´keeping察he went off to forage for the coffee察and
presently returned察having been moderately successful。 One egg
apiece was hardly enough察however察to appease the craving of two
strong men ravenous from long fasting。 Indeed察it seemed only to
whet the appetite察and we both set out on an eager expedition for
more food。 Before going far I had the good luck