personal memoirs-2-及44准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
the northeast察of a war party that evidently came up from the head´
waters of the Washita River。
The evening of November 21we arrived at the Camp Supply depot察having
traveled all day in another snowstorm that did not end till twenty´
four hours later。 General Sully察with Custer's regiment and the
infantry battalion察had reached the place several days before察but
the Kansas regiment had not yet put in an appearance。 All hands were
hard at work trying to shelter the stores and troops察but from the
trail seen that morning察believing that an opportunity offered to
strike an effective blow察I directed Custer to call in his working
parties and prepare to move immediately察without waiting for
Crawford's regiment察unaccountably absent。 Custer was ready to start
by the 23d察and he was then instructed to march north to where the
trail had been seen near Beaver Creek and follow it on the back
track察for察being convinced that the war party had come from the
Washita察I felt certain that this plan would lead directly to the
The difficulties attending a winter campaign were exhibited now with
their full force察as the march had to be conducted through a snow´
storm that hid surrounding objects察and so covered the country as to
alter the appearance of the prominent features察making the task of
the guides doubly troublesome察but in spite of these obstacles
fifteen miles had been traversed when Custer encamped for the night。
The next day the storm had ceased察and the weather was clear and
cold。 The heavy fall of snow had of course obliterated the trail in
the bottoms察and everywhere on the level察but察thanks to the wind
that had swept comparatively bare the rough places and high ground
the general direction could be traced without much trouble。 The
day's march察which was through a country abounding with buffalo察was
unattended by any special incident at first察but during the
afternoon察after getting the column across the Canadian Riveran
operation which察on account of the wagons察consumed considerable
timeCuster's scouts friendly Osages brought back word that察some
miles ahead察they had struck fresh signs察a trail coming into the old
one from the north察which察in their opinion察indicated that the war
party was returning to the villages。
On the receipt of this news察Custer察leaving a guard with the wagons
hastily assembled the rest of his men' and pushing on rapidly
overtook the scouts and a detailed party from his regiment which had
accompanied them察all halted on the new trail awaiting his arrival。
A personal examination satisfied Custer that the surmises of his
scouts were correct察and also that the fresh trail in the deep snow
could at night be followed with ease。 After a short halt for supper
and rest the pursuit was resumed察the Osage scouts in advance察and
although the hostile Indians were presumed to be yet some distance
off察every precaution was taken to prevent detection and to enable
our troops to strike them unawares。 The fresh trail察which it was
afterward ascertained had been made by raiders from Black Kettle's
village of Cheyennes察and by some Arapahoes察led into the valley of
the Washita察and growing fresher as the night wore on察finally
brought the Osages upon a campfire察still smoldering察which察it was
concluded察had been built by the Indian boys acting as herders of the
ponies during the previous day。 It was evident察then察that the
village could be but a few miles off察hence the pursuit was continued
with redoubled caution until察a few hours before dawn of the 27th察as
the leading scouts peered over a rise on the line of march察they
discovered a large body of animals in the valley below。
As soon as they reported this discovery察Custer determined to
acquaint himself with the situation by making a reconnoissance in
person察accompanied by his principal officers。 So察sending back word
to halt the cavalry察he directed the officers to ride forward with
him察then dismounting察the entire party crept cautiously to a high
point which overlooked the valley察and from where察by the bright moon
then shining察they saw just how the village was situated。 Its
position was such as to admit of easy approach from all sides。 So
to preclude an escape of the Indians察Custer decided to attack at
daybreak察and from four different directions。
The plan having been fully explained to the officers察the remaining
hours of the night were employed in making the necessary
dispositions。 Two of the detachments left promptly察since they had
to make a circuitous march of several miles to Teach the points
designated for their attack察the third started a little later察and
then the fourth and last察under Custer himself察also moved into
position。 As the first light grew visible in the east察each column
moved closer in to the village察and then察all dispositions having
been made according to the prearranged plan察from their appointed
places the entire force to the opening notes of ;Garry Owen察─played
by the regimental band as the signal for the attackdashed at a
gallop into the village。 The sleeping and unsuspecting savages were
completely surprised by the onset察yet after the first confusion
during which the impulse to escape principally actuated them察they
seized their weapons察and from behind logs and trees察or plunging
into the stream and using its steep bank as a breastwork察they poured
upon their assailants a heavy fire察and kept on fighting with every
exhibition of desperation。 In such a combat mounted men were
useless察so Custer directed his troopers to fight on察foot察and the
Indians were successively driven from one point of vantage to
another察until察finally察by 9 o'clock the entire camp was in his
possession and the victory complete。 Black Kettle and over one
hundred of his warriors were killed察and about fifty women and
children captured察but most of the noncombatants察as well as a few
warriors and boys察escaped in the confusion of the fight。 Making
their way down the river察these fugitives alarmed the rest of the
Cheyennes and Arapahoes察and also the Kiowas and Comanches察whose
villages were in close proximitythe nearest not more than two miles
Then of course all the warriors of these tribes rallied to attack
Custer察who meantime was engaged burning Black Kettle's camp and
collecting his herds of ponies。 But these new foes were rather wary
and circumspect察though they already had partial revenge in an
unlooked for way by cutting off Major Elliott and fifteen men察who
had gone off in pursuit of a batch of young warriors when the fight
was going on at the village。 In fact察the Indians had killed
Elliott's whole party察though neither the fate of the poor fellows
nor how they happened to be caught察was known till long afterward。
It was then ascertained that the detachment pursued a course due
south察nearly at right angles to the Washita River察and after
galloping a couple of miles over the hills察crossing a small branch
of the Washita on the way察they captured some of the fugitives。 In
bringing the prisoners back察Elliott was in turn attacked on the open
prairie by a large number of savages from farther down the Washita
who by this time were swarming to the aid of Black Kettle's village。
The little band fought its way gallantly to within rifle´range of the
small creek referred to察but could get no farther察for the Indians
had taken up a position in the bed of the stream察and from under
cover of its banks Elliott and all his remaining men were quickly
killed。 No relief was sent them察for Custer察not having seen Elliott
set out察knew nothing of the direction taken察and察besides察was busy
burning the villages and securing the ponies察and deeply concerned
too察with defending himself from the new dangers menacing him。
Elliott and his brave little party were thus left to meet their fate
While Custer was burning the lodges and plunder and securing the
ponies察the Indians from the villages down the Washita were gathering
constantly around him till by mid´day they had collected in
thousands察and then came a new problem as to what should be done。 If
he attacked the other villages察there was great danger of his being
overwhelmed察and should he start back to Camp Supply by daylight察he
would run the risk of losing his prisoners and the ponies察so
thinking the matter over察he decided to shoot all the ponies察and
keep skirmishing with the savages till nightfall察and then察under
cover of the darkness察return to Camp Supply察a programme that was
carried out successfully察but Custer's course received some severe
criticism because no effort was made to discover what had become of
Custer had察in all察two officers and nineteen men killed察and two
officers and eleven men wounded。 The blow struck was a most
effective one察and察fortunately察fell on one of the most villanous of
the hostile b