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personal memoirs-2-及43准

弌傍 personal memoirs-2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

packs containing the rations and medicines had to be abandoned。

On seeing Forsyth's hasty move察the Indians察thinking they had him

prepared to overwhelm the scouts by swooping down on one side of the

island with about five hundred mounted warriors察while about two

hundred察covered by the tall grass in the river´bottom attacked the

other side察dismounted。  But the brave little band sadly disappointed

them。  When the charge came it was met with such a deadly fire that a

large number of the fiends were killed察some of them even after

gaining the bank of the island。  This check had the effect of making

the savages more wary察but they were still bold enough to make two

more assaults before mid´day。  Each of these ending like the first

the Indians thereafter contented themselves with shooting all the

horses察which had been tied up to some scraggy little cottonwood´

trees察and then proceeded to lay siege to the party。

The first man struck was Forsyth himself。  He was hit three times in

alltwice in one leg察both serious wounds察and once on the head察a

slight abrasion of the scalp。  A moment later Beecher was killed and

Doctor Mooers mortally wounded此and in addition to these misfortunes

the scouts kept getting hit察till several were killed察and the whole

number of casualties had reached twenty´one in a company of forty´

seven。  Yet with all this察and despite the seeming hopelessness of

the situation察the survivors kept up their pluck undiminished察and

during a lull succeeding the third repulse dug into the loose soil

till the entire party was pretty well protected by rifle´pits。  Thus

covered they stood off the Indians for the next three days察although

of course their condition became deplorable from lack of food察while

those who were hurt suffered indescribable agony察since no means were

at hand for dressing their wounds。

By the third day the Indians察seeming to despair of destroying the

beleaguered party before succor might arrive察began to draw off察and

on the fourth wholly disappeared。  The men were by this time nearly

famished for food。  Even now there was nothing to be had except

horse´meat from the carcasses of the animals killed the first day

and this察though decidedly unpalatable察not to say disgusting察had to

be put up with察and so on such unwholesome stuff they managed to live

for four days longer察at the end of which time they were rescued by a

column of troops under Colonel Bankhead察which had hastened from Fort

Wallace in response to calls for help察carried there by two brave

fellowsStilwell and Truedellwho察volunteering to go for relief

had slipped through the Indians察and struck out for that post in the

night after the first day's fight。






The end of October saw completed the most of my arrangements for the

winter campaign察though the difficulties and hardships to be

encountered had led several experienced officers of the army察and

some frontiersmen like Mr。 James Bridger察the famous scout and察guide

of earlier days察to discourage the project。  Bridger even went so far

as to come out from St。 Louis to dissuade me察but I reasoned that as

the soldier was much better fed and clothed than the Indian察I had

one great advantage察and that察in short察a successful campaign could

be made if the operations of the different columns were energetically

conducted。  To see to this I decided to go in person with the main

column察which was to push down into the western part of the Indian

Territory察having for its initial objective the villages which察at

the beginning of hostilities察had fled toward the head´waters of the

Red River察and those also that had gone to the same remote region

after decamping from the neighborhood of Larned at the time that

General Hazen sent Buffalo Bill to me with the news。

The column which was expected to do the main work was to be composed

of the Nineteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry察commanded by Colonel

Crawford察eleven troops of the Seventh United States Cavalry察under

General Custer察and a battalion of five companies of infantry under

Brevet Major John H。 Page。  To facilitate matters察General Sully察the

district commander察was ordered to rendezvous these troops and

establish a supply depot about a hundred miles south of Fort Dodge

as from such a point operations could be more readily conducted。  He

selected for the depot a most suitable place at the confluence of

Beaver and Wolf creeks察and on his arrival there with Custer's and

Page's commands察named the place Camp Supply。

In conjunction with the main column察two others also were to

penetrate the Indian Territory。  One of these察which was to march

east from New Mexico by way of Fort Bascom was to be composed of six

troops of the Third Cavalry and two companies of infantry察the whole

under Colonel A。 W。 Evans。  The other察consisting of seven troops of

the Fifth Cavalry察and commanded by Brevet Brigadier´General Eugene

A。 Carr察was to march southeast from Fort Lyon察the intention being

that Evans and Carr should destroy or drive in toward old Fort Cobb

any straggling bands that might be prowling through the country west

of my own line of march察Carr察as he advanced察to be joined by Brevet

Brigadier´General W。 H。 Penrose察with five troops of cavalry already

in the field southeast of Lyon。  The Fort Bascom column察after

establishing a deepot of supplies at Monument Creek察was to work down

the main Canadian察and remain out as long as it could feed itself

from New Mexico察Carr察having united with Penrose on the North

Canadian察was to operate toward the Antelope Hills and headwaters of

the Red River察while I察with the main column was to move southward to

strike the Indians along the Washita察or still farther。  south on

branches of the Red River。

It was no small nor easy task to outfit all these troops by the time

cold weather set in察and provide for them during the winter察but by

the 1st of November I had enough supplies accumulated at Forts Dodge

and Lyon for my own and Carr's columns察and in addition directed

subsistence and forage for three months to be sent to Fort Gibson for

final delivery at Fort Arbuckle察as I expected to feed the command

from this place when we arrived in the neighborhood of old Fort Cobb

but through some mismanagement few of these stores got further than

Gibson before winter came on。

November 1察all being ready察Colonel Grawford was furnished with

competent guides察and察after sending two troops to Fort Dodge to act

as my escort察with the rest of his regiment he started from Topeka

November 5察under orders to march straight for the rendezvous at the

junction of Beaver and Wolf creeks。  He was expected to reach his

destination about the 20th察and there unite with the Seventh Cavalry

and the battalion of infantry察which in the mean time were on the

march from Dodge。  A few days later Carr and Evans began their march

also察and everything being now in motion察I decided to go to Camp

Supply to give the campaign my personal attention察determined to

prove that operations could be successfully conducted in spite of

winter察and bent on showing the Indians that they were not secure

from punishment because of inclement weatheran ally on which they

had hitherto relied with much assurance。

We started from Fort Hays on the 15th of N6vember察and the first

night out a blizzard struck us and carried away our tents察and as the

gale was so violent that they could not be put up again察the rain and

snow drenched us to the skin。  Shivering from wet and cold察I took

refuge under a wagon察and there spent such a miserable night that

when at last morning came察the gloomy predictions of old man Bridger

and others rose up before me with greatly increased force。  As we

took the road the sleet and snow were still falling察but we labored

on to Dodge that day in spite of the fact that many of the mules

played out on the way。  We stayed only one night at Dodge察and then

on the 17th察escorted by a troop of cavalry and Forsyth's scouts察now

under the command of Lieutenant Lewis Pepoon察crossed the Arkansas

and camped the night of the 18th at Bluff Creek察where the two troops

of the Nineteenth Kansas察previously detailed as my escort察were

awaiting our coming。  As we were approaching this camp some

suspicious looking objects were seen moving off at a long distance to

the east of us察but as the scouts confidently pronounced them

buffalo察we were unaware of their true character till next morning

when we became satisfied that what we had seen were Indians察for

immediately after crossing Beaver Creek we struck a trail察leading to

the northeast察of a war party that evidently came up from the head´


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