personal memoirs-2-及31准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
or non´interference of the military。 This was not all granted察but
under his ingenious persuasion President Johnson察on the 13th of
August察1866察directed that the new State officials be entrusted with
the unhampered control of civil affairs察and this was more than
enough to revive the bulldozing methods that had characterized the
beginning of Hamilton's administration。 Oppressive legislation in
the shape of certain apprentice and vagrant laws quickly followed
developing a policy of gross injustice toward the colored people on
the part of the courts察and a reign of lawlessness and disorder
ensued which察throughout the remote districts of the State at least
continued till Congress察by what are known as the Reconstruction
Acts察took into its own hands the rehabilitation of the seceded
In the State of Louisiana a provisional government察chosen by the
loyal element察had been put in operation察as already mentioned察as
early as 1864。 This was effected under encouragement given by
President Lincoln察through the medium of a Constitutional convention
which met at New Orleans in April察1864察and adjourned in July。 The
constitution then agreed upon was submitted to the people察and in
September察1864察was ratified by a vote of the few loyal residents of
the State。
The government provided under this constitution being looked upon as
provisional merely察was never recognized by Congress察and in 1865 the
returned Confederates察restored to citizenship by the President's
amnesty proclamation察soon got control of almost all the State。 The
Legislature was in their hands察as well as most of the State and
municipal offices察so察when the President察on the 20th of August
1866察by proclamation察extended his previous instructions regarding
civil affairs in Texas so as to have them apply to all the seceded
States察there at once began in Louisiana a system of discriminative
legislation directed against the freedmen察that led to flagrant
wrongs in the enforcement of labor contracts察and in the remote
parishes to numbers of outrages and murders。
To remedy this deplorable condition of things察it was proposed察by
those who had established the government of 1864察to remodel the
constitution of the State察and they sought to do this by reassembling
the convention察that body before its adjournment having provided for
reconvening under certain conditions察in obedience to the call of its
president。 Therefore察early in the summer of 1866察many members of
this convention met in conference at New Orleans察and decided that a
necessity existed for reconvening the delegates察and a proclamation
was issued accordingly by B。 K。 Howell察President´pro´tempore。
Mayor John T。 Monroe and the other officials of New Orleans looked
upon this proposed action as revolutionary察and by the time the
convention assembled July 30察such bitterness of feeling prevailed
that efforts were made by the mayor and city police to suppress the
meeting。 A bloody riot followed察resulting察in the killing and
wounding of about a hundred and sixty persons。
I happened to be absent from the city at the time察returning from
Texas察where I had been called by affairs on the Rio Grande。 On my
way up from the mouth of the Mississippi I was met on the night of
July 30 by one of my staff察who reported what had occurred察giving
the details of the massacreno milder term is fittingand informing
me that察to prevent further slaughter察General Baird察the senior
military officer present察had assumed control of the municipal
government。 On reaching the city I made an investigation察and that
night sent the following report of the affair
;NEW ORLEANS察LA。察Aug。 1察1866。
;You are doubtless aware of the serious riot which occurred in this
city on the 30th。 A political body察styling themselves the
Convention of 1864察met on the 30th察for察as it is alleged察the
purpose of remodeling the present constitution of the State。 The
leaders were political agitators and revolutionary men察and the
action of the convention was liable to produce breaches of the public
peace。 I had made up my mind to arrest the head men察if the
proceedings of the convention were calculated to disturb the
tranquility of the Department察but I had no cause for action until
they committed the overt act。 In the meantime official duty called
me to Texas察and the mayor of the city察during my absence suppressed
the convention by the use of the police force察and in so doing
attacked the members of the convention察and a party of two hundred
negroes察with fire´arms察clubs察and knives察in a manner so
unnecessary and atrocious as to compel me to say that it was murder。
About forty whites and blacks were thus killed察and about one hundred
and sixty wounded。 Everything is now quiet察but I deem it best to
maintain a military supremacy in the city for a few days察until the
affair is fully investigated。 I believe the sentiment of the general
community is great regret at this unnecessary cruelty察and that the
police could have made any arrest they saw fit without sacrificing
;Major´General Commanding。;
On receiving the telegram察General。 Grant immediately submitted。 it
to the President。 Much clamor being made at the North for the
publication of the despatch察Mr。 Johnson pretended to give it to the
newspapers。 It appeared in the issues of August 4察but with this
paragraph omitted察viz。
;I had made up my mind to arrest the head men察if the proceedings of
the convention were calculated to disturb the tranquility of the
Department察but I had no cause for action until they committed the
overt act。 In the mean time official duty called me to Texas察and
the mayor of the city察during my absence察suppressed the convention
by the use of the police force察and in so doing attacked the members
of the convention察and a party of two hundred negroes察with fire´
arms察clubs察and knives察in a manner so unnecessary and atrocious as
to compel me to say it was murder。;
Against this garbling of my report´done by the President's own order´
I strongly demurred察and this emphatic protest marks the beginning of
Mr。 Johnson's well´known personal hostility toward me。 In the mean
time I received on August 3 the following despatch from General
Grant approving my course
;WAR DEPT。察WASHINGTON察D。 C。察 August 3察18665 p。m。
;Commanding Mil。 Div。 of the Gulf
;New Orleans察La。
;Continue to enforce martial law察so far as may be necessary to
preserve the peace察and do not allow any of the civil authorities to
act察if you deem such action dangerous to the public safety。 Lose no
time in investigating and reporting the causes that led to the riot
and the facts which occurred。
In obedience to the President's directions察My report of August 1 was
followed by another察more in detail察which I give in full察since it
tells the whole story of the riot
;NEW ORLEANS察LA。察August 6察1866。
;President United States
;I have the honor to make the following reply to your despatch of
August 4。 A very large number of colored people marched in
procession on Friday night察July twenty´seven 27察and were
addressed from the steps of the City Hall by Dr。 Dostie察ex´Governor
Hahn察and others。 The speech of Dostie was intemperate in language
and sentiment。 The speeches of the others察so far as I can learn
were characterized by moderation。 I have not given you the words of
Dostie's speech察as the version published was denied察but from what I
have learned of the man察I believe they were intemperate。
;The convention assembled at twelve 12 M。 on the thirtieth 30
the timid members absenting themselves because the tone of the
general public was ominous of trouble。 I think there were about
twenty´six 26 members present。 In front of the Mechanics
Institute察where the meeting was held察there were assembled some
colored men察women察and children察perhaps eighteen 18 or twenty
20察and in the Institute a number of colored men察probably one
hundred and fifty 150。 Among those outside and inside there might
have been a pistol in the possession of every tenth 10 man。
;About one 1 p。 m。 a procession of say from sixty 60 to one
hundred and thirty 130 colored men marched up Burgundy Street and
across Canal Street toward the convention察carrying an American flag。
These men had about one pistol to every ten men察and canes and clubs
in addition。 While crossing Canal Street a row occurred。 There were
many spectators on the street察and their manner and tone toward the
procession unfriendly。 A