personal memoirs-2-及24准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
rear。 To察meet it察he placed Kershaw to the right and Custis Lee to
the left of the Rice's Station road察facing them north toward and
some little distance from Sailor's Creek察supporting Kershaw with
Commander Tucker's Marine brigade。 Ewell's skirmishers held the line
of Sailor's Creek察which runs through a gentle valley察the north
slope of which was cleared ground。
By General Grant's directions the Sixth Corps had been following my
route of march since the discovery察about 9 o'clock in the morning
that Lee had decamped from Amelia Court House。 Grant had promptly
informed me of this in a note察saying察 The Sixth Corps will go in
with a vim any place you may dictate察─so when I sent word to Wright
of the enemy's isolation察and asked him to hurry on with all speed
his gallant corps came as fast as legs could carry them察he sending
to me successively Major McClellan and Colonel Franklin察of his
staff察to report his approach。
I was well advised as to the position of the enemy through
information brought me by an intelligent young soldier察William A。
Richardson察Company ;A察─Second Ohio察who察in one of the cavalry
charges on Anderson察had cleared the barricades and made his way back
to my front through Ewell's line。 Richardson had told me just how
the main body of the enemy was posted察so as Seymour's division
arrived I directed General Wright to put it on the right of the road
while Wheaton's men察coming up all hot and out of breath察promptly
formed on Seymour's left。 Both divisions thus aligned faced
southwest toward Sailor's Creek察and the artillery of the corps being
massed to the left and front of the Hibbon house察without waiting for
Getty's divisionfor I feared that if we delayed longer the enemy
might effect his escape toward Farmvillethe general attack was
begun。 Seymour and Wheaton察moving forward together察assailed the
enemy's front and left察and Stagg's brigade察too察which in the mean
time had been placed between Wheaton's left and Devin's right察went
at him along with them察Merritt and Crook resuming the fight from
their positions in front of Anderson。 The enemy察seeing little
chance of escape察fought like a tiger at bay察but both Seymour and
Wheaton pressed him vigorously察gaining ground at all points except
just to the right of the road察where Seymour's left was checked。
Here the Confederates burst back on us in a counter´charge察surging
down almost to the creek察but the artillery察supported by Getty察who
in the mean time had come on the ground察opened on them so terribly
that this audacious and furious onset was completely broken察though
the gallant fellows fell back to their original line doggedly察and
not until after they had almost gained the creek。 Ewell was now
hemmed in on every side察and all those under his immediate command
were captured。 Merritt and Crook had also broken up Anderson by this
time察but he himself察and about two thousand disorganized men escaped
by making their way through the woods toward the Appomattox River
before they could be entirely enveloped。 Night had fallen when the
fight was entirely over察but Devin was pushed on in pursuit for about
two miles察part of the Sixth Corps following to clinch a victory
which not only led to the annihilation of one corps of Lee's
retreating army察but obliged Longstreet to move up to Farmville察so
as to take a road north of the Appomattox River toward Lynchburg
instead of continuing toward Danville。
At the close of the battle I sent one of my staffColonel Redwood
Priceto General Grant to report what had been done察that we had
taken six generals and from nine to ten thousand prisoners。 On his
way Price stopped at the headquarters of General Meade察where he
learned that not the slightest intelligence of the occurrence on my
line had been received察for I not being under Meade's command察he had
paid no attention to my movements。 Price gave the story of the
battle察and General Meade察realizing its importance察sent directions
immediately to General Wright to make his report of the engagement to
the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac察assuming that Wright was
operating independently of me in the face of Grant's despatch Of
2 o'clock察which said that Wright was following the cavalry and would
;go in with a vim; wherever I dictated。 Wright could not do else
than comply with Meade's orders in the case察and I察being then in
ignorance of Meade's reasons for the assumption察could say nothing。
But General Grant plainly intending察and even directing察that the
corps should be under my command察remedied this phase of the matter
when informed of what had taken place察by requiring Wright to send a
report of the battle through me。 What he then did察and what his
intentions and orders were察are further confirmed by a reference to
the episode in his ;Memoirs察─where he gives his reasons for ordering
the Sixth Corps to abandon the move on Amelia Court House and pass to
the left of the army。 On the same page he also says察referring to
the 6th of April此 The Sixth Corps now remained with the cavalry
under Sheridan's direct command until after the surrender。; He
unquestionably intended all of this察but his purpose was partly
frustrated by General Meade's action next morning in assuming
direction of the movements of the corps察and before General Grant
became aware of the actual conditions the surrender was at hand。
The first report of the battle of Sailor's Creek that General Grant
received was察as already stated察an oral message carried by Colonel
Price察of my staff。 Near midnight I sent a despatch giving the names
of the generals captured。 These were Ewell察Kershaw察Barton察Corse
Dubose察and Custis Lee。 In the same despatch I wrote此 If the thing
is pressed察I think that Lee will surrender。; When Mr。 Lincoln察at
City Point察received this word from General Grant察who was
transmitting every item of news to the President察he telegraphed
Grant the laconic message此 Let the thing be pressed。; The morning of
the 7th we moved out at a very early hour察Crook's division marching
toward Farmville in direct pursuit察while Merritt and Mackenzie were
ordered to Prince Edward's Court House to anticipate any effort Lee
might make to escape through that place toward Danville since it had
been discovered that Longstreet had slipped away already from the
front of General Ord's troops at Rice's Station。 Crook overtook the
main body of the Confederates at Farmville察and promptly attacked
their trains on the north side of the Appomattox with Gregg's
brigade察which was fiercely turned upon and forced to re´cross the
river with the loss of a number of prisoner's察among them Gregg
himself。 When Crook sent word of this fight察it was clear that Lee
had abandoned all effort to escape to the southwest by way of
Danville。 Lynchburg was undoubtedly his objective point now察so
resolving to throw my cavalry again across his path察and hold him
till the infantry could overtake him察I directed everything on
Appomattox depot察recalling Crook the night of the 7th to Prospect
Station察while Merritt camped at Buffalo Creek察and Mackenzie made a
reconnoissance along the Lynchburg railroad。
At break of day察April 8察Merritt and Mackenzie united with Crook at
Prospect Station察and the cavalry all moved then toward Appomattox
depot。 Hardly had it started when one of the scoutsSergeant White´
´informed me that there were four trains of cars at the depot loaded
with supplies for Lee's army察these had been sent from Lynchburg察in
compliance with the telegram of Lee's commissary´general察which
message察it will be remembered察was captured and transmitted to
Lynchburg by two of Young's scouts on the 4th。 Sergeant White察who
had been on the lookout for the trains ever since sending the
despatch察found them several miles west of Appomattox depot feeling
their way along察in ignorance of Lee's exact position。 As he had the
original despatch with him察and took pains to dwell upon the pitiable
condition of Lee's army察he had little difficulty in persuading the
men in charge of the trains to bring them east of Appomattox Station
but fearing that the true state of affairs would be learned before
long察and the trains be returned to Lynchburg察he was painfully
anxious to have them cut off by breaking the track west of the
The intelligence as to the trains was immediately despatched to
Crook察and I pushed on to join him with Merritt's command。 Custer
having the advance察moved rapidly察and on nearing the station
detailed two regiments to make a detour southward to strike the
railroad some distance beyond and break the track。 These regi