personal memoirs-2-及19准
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To hold on to Fitzgerald's ford Smith had to make a sharp fight察but
Mumford's cavalry attacking Devin察the enemy's infantry succeeded in
getting over Chamberlain's Creek at a point higher up than
Fitzgerald's ford察and assailing Davies察forced him back in a
northeasterly direction toward the Dinwiddie and Five Forks road in
company with Devin。 The retreat of Davies permitted Pickett to pass
between Crook and Merritt察which he promptly did察effectually
separating them and cutting off both Davies and Devin from the road
to Dinwiddie察so that to get to that point they had to retreat across
the country to B。 Boisseau's and then down the Boydton road。
Gibbs's brigade had been in reserve near the intersection of the Five
Forks and Dabney roads察and directing Merritt to hold on there察I
ordered Gregg's brigade to be mounted and brought to Merritt's aid
for if Pickett continued in pursuit north of the Five Forks road he
would expose his right and rear察and I determined to attack him察in
such case察from Gibbs's position。 Gregg arrived in good season察and
as soon as his men were dismounted on Gibbs's left察Merritt assailed
fiercely察compelling Pickett to halt and face a new foe察thus
interrupting an advance that would finally have carried Pickett into
the rear of Warren's corps。
It was now about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and we were in a critical
situation察but having ordered Merritt to bring Devin and Davies to
Dinwiddie by the Boydton road察staff´officers were sent to hurry
Custer to the same point察for with its several diverging roads the
Court House was of vital importance察and I determined to stay there
at all hazards。 At the same time orders were sent to Smith's
brigade察which察by the advance of Pickett past its right flank and
the pressure of W。 H。 F。 Lee on its front察had been compelled to give
up Fitzgerald's crossing察to fall back toward Dinwiddie but to
contest every inch of ground so as to gain time。
When halted by the attack of Gregg and Gibbs察Pickett察desisting from
his pursuit of Devin察as already stated察turned his undivided
attention to this unexpected force察and with his preponderating
infantry pressed it back on the Five Forks road toward Dinwiddle
though our men察fighting dismounted behind barricades at different
points察displayed such obstinacy as to make Pickett's progress slow
and thus give me time to look out a line for defending the Court
House。 I selected a place about three´fourths of a mile northwest of
the crossroads察and Custer coming up quickly with Capehart's brigade
took position on the left of the road to Five Forks in some open
ground along the crest of a gentle ridge。 Custer got Capehart into
place just in time to lend a hand to Smith察who察severely pressed
came back on us here from his retreat along Chamberlain's ;bed;the
vernacular for a woody swamp such as that through which Smith
retired。 A little later the brigades of Gregg and Gibbs察falling to
the rear slowly and steadily察took up in the woods a line which
covered the Boydton Road some distance to the right of Capehart察the
intervening gap to be filled with Pennington's brigade。 By this time
our horse´artillery察which for two days had been stuck in the mud
was all up察and every gun was posted in this line。
It was now near sunset察and the enemy's cavalry thinking the day was
theirs察made a dash at Smith察but just as the assailants appeared in
the open fields察Capehart's men opened so suddenly on their left
flank as to cause it to recoil in astonishment察which permitted Smith
to connect his brigade with Custer unmolested。 We were now in good
shape behind the familiar barricades察and having a continuous line
excepting only the gap to be filled with Pennington察that covered
Dinwiddie and the Boydton Road。 My left rested in the woods about
half a mile west of the Court House察and the barricades extended from
this flank in a semicircle through the open fields in a northeasterly
direction察to a piece´of thick timber on the right察near the Boydton
A little before the sun went down the Confederate infantry was formed
for the attack察and察fortunately for us察Pennington's brigade came up
and filled the space to which it was assigned between Capehart and
Gibbs察just as Pickett moved out across the cleared fields in front
of Custer察in deep lines that plainly told how greatly we were
Accompanied by Generals Merritt and Custer and my staff察I now rode
along the barricades to encourage the men。 Our enthusiastic
reception showed that they were determined to stay。 The cavalcade
drew the enemy's fire察which emptied several of the saddlesamong
others Mr。 Theodore Wilson察correspondent of the New York Herald
being wounded。 In reply our horse´artillery opened on the advancing
Confederates察but the men behind the barricades lay still till
Pickett's troops were within short range。 Then they opened察Custer's
repeating rifles pouring out such a shower of lead that nothing could
stand up against it。 The repulse was very quick察and as the gray
lines retired to the woods from which but a few minutes before they
had so confidently advanced察all danger of their taking Dinwiddie or
marching to the left and rear of our infantry line was over察at least
for the night。 The enemy being thus checked察I sent a staff´officer´
´Captain Sheridanto General Grant to report what had taken place
during the afternoon察and to say that I proposed to stay at
Dinwiddie察but if ultimately compelled to abandon the place察I would
do so by retiring on the Vaughn road toward Hatcher's Run察for I then
thought the attack might be renewed next morning。 Devin and Davies
joined me about dark察and my troops being now well in hand察I sent a
second staff´officerColonel John Kelloggto explain my situation
more fully察and to assure General Grant that I would hold on at
Dinwiddie till forced to let go。
By following me to Dinwiddie the enemy's infantry had completely
isolated itself察and hence there was now offered the Union troops a
rare opportunity。 Lee was outside of his works察just as we desired
and the general´in´chief realized this the moment he received the
first report of my situation察General Meade appreciated it too from
the information he got from Captain Sheridan察en route to army
headquarters with the first tidings察and sent this telegram to
General Grant
;March 31察1865。 945 p。m。
;Would it not be well for Warren to go down with his whole corps and
smash up the force in front of Sheridan拭 Humphreys can hold the line
to the Boydton plank´road察and the refusal along with it。 Bartlett's
brigade is now on the road from G。 Boisseau's察running north察where
it crosses Gravelly Run察he having gone down the White Oak road。
Warren could go at once that way察and take the force threatening
Sheridan in rear at Dinwiddie察and move on the enemy's rear with the
other two。
;G。 G。 MEADE察Major´General。;
An hour later General Grant replied in these words
;DABNEY'S MILLS察March 311察1865。 1015 P。 M。
;Commanding Army of the Potomac。
Let Warren move in the way you propose察and urge him not to stop for
anything。 Let Griffin Griffin had been ordered by Warren to the
Boydton road to protect his rear go on as he was first directed。
;U。 S。 GRANT察Lieutenant´General。;
These two despatches were the initiatory steps in sending the Fifth
Corps察under Major´General G。 K。 Warren察to report to me察and when I
received word of its coming and also that Genera Mackenzie's cavalry
from the Army of the James was likewise to be added to my command
and that discretionary authority was given me to use all my forces
against Pickett察I resolved to destroy him察if it was within the
bounds of possibility察before he could rejoin Lee。
In a despatch察dated 1005 p。m。察telling me of the coming of Warren
and Mackenzie察General Grant also said that the Fifth Corps should
reach me by 12 o'clock that night察but at that hour not only had none
of the corps arrived察but no report from it察so believing that if it
came all the way down to Dinwiddie the next morning察our opportunity
would be gone察I concluded that it would be best to order Warren to
move in on the enemy's rear while the cavalry attacked in front察and
therefore察at 3 o'clock in the morning of April 1 sent this despatch
to General Warren
;April 1察18653。 A。M。
;Commanding Fifth Army Corps。
I am holding in front of Dinwiddie Court House察on the road leading
to Five Forks察for three´quarters of a mile with General Custer's
division。 The enemy are in his immediate front察lying so as to cover
the road just this side of A。 Adams's house